How to Stop Binge Eating At Night Once and For All
How to Stop Binge Eating At Night Once and For All
Are you looking to stop nighttime binge eating once and for all?
If you find yourself in the refrigerator or pantry over and over at night and are ready to end this pattern once, keep reading.
I’ll walk you through 8 reasons why this happens, 5 ways you can stop it, and finish up with an awesome tapping exercise to help you break free from this destructive cycle.
Looking to lose your quarantine fifteen (or more)? What this:
You can rev up your metabolism and lose weight WITHOUT dieting or exercise using EFT. Check out this video:
Need weight loss tips for women using EFT? Watch this video:
Not sure how to tap using EFT? Learn how to tap by watching this video:
Emotional overeating getting in the way of your weight loss goals? Watch this video:
COACHING: Ready to start losing weight without following a diet plan or excessive exercising? Please go to this link below to learn more and fill out an application to work with me. Serious inquiries only please.
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8 Reasons Why We Binge Eat at Night
I’m going to layout the 8 reasons why we binge eat at night. And by understanding your reasons for bingeing at night, you’ll be able to find the right solutions for yourself from the five ways I offer to help stop binge eating at night.
When you’re armed with this information you can identify your early warning signs and be able to stop yourself when you find yourself in the middle of a nighttime binge or even better yet prevent a nighttime binge from ever happening in the first place.
- We may be bingeing at nighttime to mask emotions. These emotions can range from stress, boredom, anxiety or simply keeping your feelings bottled up all day until getting home.
- Nighttime binge eaters are often fast eaters. Eating too fast during the day is another reason for the nighttime binge.
- Here’s for all my intermittent fasters and chronic dieters. If you eat little to nothing in the morning, work throughout lunch, and save the calories for the evening this can also contribute to nighttime binge eating. (The next two are a Catch-22.)
- The first is sleep disruptions. Poor sleep will have you waking up tired and impacts blood sugar and hormones. Starting off the day imbalanced can lead to binge eating at night.
- The second part in this Catch-22 situation is when you wake up with elevated blood sugars because of bingeing the night before it will heighten the desire for more sugars and cravings later that night. Which then can causes poor sleep as well. Which just becomes a vicious cycle. Elevated blood sugars lead to poor sleep and poor sleep leads to elevated blood sugars. All which trigger nighttime eating and bingeing.
- Being too restrictive of WHAT and WHEN to eat can lead to binge eating at night.
- Having a perfectionist attitude not just about dieting, but about life in general is also a trigger for nighttime binge eating.
- The last reason you may be binge eating at night is because of having a negative body image. Not feeling good about oneself and not having healthy coping mechanisms can often lead to binge eating at night to feel better about it. Which in the end does the exact opposite of making you feel better about your body.
5 Ways To Stop Nighttime Binge Eating
Before we do anything. Let’s just take a deep breath, especially for those of you who could relate with almost all eight of those reasons for nighttime binge eating.
It can get better. I’m proof of that. As a recovering perfectionist, who was the queen of restrictive dieting, eating to stuff emotions, not going to bed on time, and having a poor body image. I was able to find my way to the other side and you can too.
- Start by eating more regularly. And I don’t mean follow some new diet that says eat 6 times a day or 4 meals and two snacks, or only eat after 12 noon. I simply mean nourish your body regularly when your body needs it. Start asking your body what it needs, it likely will not tell you another rice cake, it could, but you may be surprised by what you learn.
- Tap on trigger foods. As an EFT practitioner, I want my clients to be calm and cool around all foods, yes even the trigger foods. So instead of removing them from your house by throwing out “bad” foods or our trigger foods. Instead, you need to learn to live in harmony with them and this can be done by tapping on your trigger foods. Check out this video “Weight Loss Tips for Women Using EFT” which walks you through a trigger food tapping exercise.
- After listening to our bodies and tapping on cravings we will want to create new habits.
- Figure out what habits are not serving you and what alternatives you can do. If you’re snacking at night watching TV, then try to turning off the TV. Take a bath, meditate, write in your gratitude journal, a walk around the block with the dog, listening to music, decluttering a closet. Find something you enjoy. If TV is what you enjoy, but you’re still snacking. Then turn off the TV and eat your snack. When the snack is done, turn the TV back on. Only you can figure out what new habit will work for you. Try the new habit two times per week and then increase to five. If you’re finding a lot of resistance to creating a new habit, tap on it. Tap the resistance down so you can be open to creating a new habit.
- Make the decision that foods are no longer “good” or “bad”. If you feel like ice cream, then get the best ice cream there is. Go with your family or a friend to an ice cream shop and make it a special event, rather than saying ice cream is bad and you can’t have any. Again, if you’ve tapped on your trigger foods, you will be able to make this step a reality. Also, take notice when you do have these foods, like the ice cream, do they still taste as amazing as you remember. Maybe the first few bites and then not so much. It’s a very interesting process to go through when no foods are off-limits.
- My fifth tip to help stop your binge eating at night (before giving you my favorite way) is to STAY HYDRATED.
- Really tune into what your body needs. Because we are SO USED to eating, especially with this nighttime pattern of binge eating. We continue to eat automatically rather than for fuel. Tuning in will help you stop and decide if your body is actually hungry or if it’s just thirsty. And give your body what it needs.Better yet, drink water throughout the day and stay hydrated all day long vs. allowing yourself to get to a point where you are thirsty. Feeling thirsty already means you’re dehydrated. Staying hydrated helps your body function more efficiently and can help stave off binge eating at night.
Did you recognize any of those 8 patterns for why you may be bingeing at night? If so which ones? And were there any tips you’ll use to help change that pattern? Like will you feed your body what it needs, tap on trigger foods, stay hydrated? OR will you use my favorite way which I’m about to share next and learn to remove negative patterns by tapping on it?
Let me know what it was in the comment section below.
EFT to Stop Nighttime Binge Eating
As an EFT practitioner tapping would be my favorite way to remove a negative habit because it can work so deeply when used consistently. And when used in conjunction with the other tips I provided it becomes even more bulletproof.
In the video, I take you through a tapping exercise to help you remove the negative feelings you have around binge eating, click here to follow along.
You definitely will want to do this exercise daily to help permanently change the patterns and thoughts in your subconscious that are behind the binge eating at night problem.
Now, EFT tapping solves so many issues in one or two or three sessions like grief, divorce, and anxiety about having a boss that is toxic.
And then clients don’t even give that emotional event any thought. In fact they can “forget” it was ever an issue.
That is how powerful EFT tapping is.
However, within the realm of losing weight, emotional overeating, bingeing it requires deep work to release the unhealthy relationships with food and unhealthy eating patterns.
However, cravings for certain foods can really be knocked out fairly quickly. And that’s what I like to tackle first before going through the deeper work.
Check my "Weight Loss Tips for Women Using EFT" video where I walk you through a craving for chocolate tapping exercise.
Using EFT for the deeper eating issues doesn’t happen in one session or even two.
Major progress can be made in one-three sessions, but completely eliminating all food issues just takes a little longer.
This happens because there are so many reasons we’ve gotten to this point. It is very complex. It’s not just because you crave chocolate, it’s not just because you were teased. It’s multi-faceted.
And so fun to unravel. Would you rather it take six months to unravel and you never have to deal with it again or give up after six weeks and get back on the diet roller coaster, and feeling out of control with your eating?
Everyone has their own unique story for their weight gain, unhealthy eating habits and not being able to stop eating.
Leaving you with no reasons to keep eating and eating and not being able to stop.
I know we all want these patterns and feelings to be eliminated overnight. WE all want to lose the weight by the end of the month. But it will take a little time as these poor eating patterns go very deep into your subconscious.
Releasing more of the negativity surrounding not just your eating patterns and your inability to stop eating everything, but also how you feel about your body. How you feel about your ability to lose weight and all that frustration that goes along with it. When you can release that negativity you will allow your body to drop weight naturally.
It can and will happen for you if you stick with this process.
Remember to show yourself love on your weight loss journey. If you’re ready to reach your weight loss goals even faster, go to my website for more information on working with me.
If you’re just discovering me and ready to use EFT tapping to release your stuck and negative energies to have that lighter feeling and lose the weight…
Download my FREE EFT Starter Guide which has step-by-step instructions, a tapping points chart, sequencing instructions, and script templates which will all jumpstart results.
Looking to lose weight without dieting? Check out my Lose Weight Without Dieting video to learn how to lose weight naturally without restrictive dieting & a bonus to rev up your metabolism.
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