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Meet Kristin Ann

Chances are, if you’re anything like me, you’ve found yourself walking along life’s path scratching your head, thinking, "Wow. Life isn’t panning out the way I thought it would."

Am I right?

• Some of your dreams have been crushed?

• Some of your hopes haven’t manifested yet?

And to make it worse our favorite pair of jeans are not fitting like the used to. Ugh.

Hello, my name is Kristin, and I totally get it. And, I’m SO glad you’re here! 

I had my first experience with Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) when I was working with my Law Of Attraction (LOA) Life Coach. I was really stuck on manifesting more prosperity into my life, so we used this little technique call EFT.

It worked so fast, I was hooked. Interestingly enough, I sought out my LOA coaching certification to help others achieve their goals too. But, what I realized quickly wass that I was leaning on EFT quite a bit to help them. So, my EFT and Matrix Reimprinting certification was next and I haven't looked back.

The Road to Exhaustion and Overwhelm

I thought I had everything figured out and then...a little miracle happened, something I had on my vision board for years. I was pregnant at age 44 and delivered at age 45.

Yes, I even used EFT for that. But, being a new mom, single, alone in a new city due to some military orders caught up with me pretty quick. I was exhausted and overwhelmed with no support system.

How did I get my balance back? With EFT. All the small stuff I was sweating, didn't seem too big any more and I was able to be a happier mommy. After all, being a mom was what I always wanted, so it seemed weird to be not be happy.

This is why I am forever grateful that I found my main source of healing through EFT and mindset techniques through the Law of Attraction. With these techniques I discovered how heavy trauma and negativity weighed on my mind, body, and soul and was holding me back from reaching my goals.

Your New Toolbox

EFT will help you discover and understand your emotions on even on a deeper level and how they impact your life outcomes to include holding onto excess weight. Even though If you've noticed repetitive bad patterns, and self-defeating thoughts (you know the kind that creep in when you’re trying to lose weight), EFT can be your secret weapon too. If you really started to think of all the hurt and the memories that we've had in our lifetime and if it's never been properly resolved, there's very good chance you're holding onto weight because of this.

I like to combine EFT with LOA and other mindset tools. I'll teach you how to use them to as you build your new toolbox for achieving the life you were meant to live.

l Am Here to Help You

As I was more and more stressed as a single mom, I realized that my daughter may be absorbing MY energy… and that was my big wake-up call. What is your wake-up call to lose the weight? Are you avoiding going out, telling yourself you'll start tomorrow, or you think you're stuck with this weight for forever?

If you're ready to use EFT to help release emotions in an appropriate way, to become more content and accepting of yourself and lose the weight, click the I'm Ready! button below.

My goal is to give you the inner peace to shed the weight naturally with the freedom to express love easily and to walk this planet with grace and confidence.

Allow me to help you embrace your true authentic power and realize your full potential as a human being and get your sparkle back.

© Kristin Ann. All Right Reserved