Have you tried just about every diet without success? You're in the right place.
Are you constantly thinking about food, planning your route home to pick up a favorite food, or obsessing about when you can eat next? You're in the right place.
Do you have a pattern of buying a bunch of food to binge on, stuff yourself and then throw the rest away in the trash...vowing to start a diet the next day? You're in the right place.
Have you ever gone back into the trash to get the food out because you're so obsessed with having it now? You're in the right place.
Are you excited to finally get some alone time so you can eat large quantities of food without anyone judging you? You're in the right place.
Are you "good" all day, but when you get home in the evening you can't stop eating? You're in the right place.
It may not seem possible right now, but...
I can show you how to release unresolved emotions, negative beliefs, and patterns to help you lose the weight once and for all.
There will be no weekly weigh-ins, calorie, carb or protein counting, or extreme exercise because we get at the root of the problem and heal from the inside out.
So you can start living the life you were meant to live.
With my background in EFT, LOA and Ho'oponopono we will take a holistic approach to get the most effective results for you in the shortest amount of time.
After the first session, you'll know how to tap and work through those times when all you can think about is food and concur those obsessive thoughts around food.
After the first session you will instantly notice something different, a lightness a new sense of vitality you haven't felt in a very long time. And restful sleep.
Imagine what your life will look like for you six months from now, a year or even five years from now because you chose to do something today about what is weighing you down.
Great for someone new to tapping to try out
Useful for an immediate life event
Food cravings & "not good enough" thinking
Remove a negative belief/pattern
Recommend one session/week
Must be used in three months
Useful for more complex emotional eating concerns
Food cravings & "not good enough" thinking
Recommend one session/week
Must be used within five months
Useful for complex emotional eating
Remove weight loss blocks
Access to membership site with free trainings and downloads
This is profound and exciting work. I invite you to browse through my website and select the Invest Now button when you're ready to invest in yourself.
Disclaimer: Kristin is not a medical practitioner. She is, however, a EFT and Hacking Reality by Tapping the Matrix Reimprinting practitioner. You may reach her through this website.